COVID Vaccinations

Pop Up Vaccination Clinics in our Area

The GrabaJab website shows all pop-up and walk-in clinics in our local area

You may also like to call 119 to book a local vaccination or use the National Booking Service

2024 Spring Covid Vaccinations

are being offered to:

  • Everyone aged 75 and over
  • Residents in adult care homes
  • Immunosuppressed people aged over 6 months

All eligible patients should have received their invitations from us to book their place in one of our clinics. 





NHS COVID Vaccine Passports

If you have been vaccinated in England, Wales or Scotland, your vaccine passport is available via the NHS COVID pass.

We understand there is a national issue with some vaccinations not showing up in the app. If you are affected by this issue, please call 119 and they will be able to help you.