Doctors letters

Private Work Fees


Our doctors are frequently asked to provide private or ‘To Whom it May Concern’ letters or reports for third parties. The starting fee for this is £25, which is confirmed when we fully understand the scope of work. More complicated letters or reports may attract a higher fee.


Why is there a charge?

The preparation of these letters or reports is not covered by the NHS. The doctor must complete them outside of clinic time and as such there is a fee payable. All letters require the doctor to take time to review a patient’s medical records to ensure that the information provided is correct.



Private letters do not take priority over NHS work and hence may take some time to prepare. Please allow at least 28 days for the GP to complete this work.


In genuinely urgent cases, we will do our best to meet your deadline; however, we cannot promise this. If you cannot wait, we will refund your fee if the letter has not yet been written.



We cannot accept requests for the doctor to write the letter with exact wording. The doctor will write what they know is supported by your medical record, and their opinion on what that should be is final. Please request your letter but note that our doctors reserve the right to refuse your request or provide alternative wording.


As an alternative, or as an addition, you can request a summary printout of your medical notes which will have an unfiltered list of medication and all your ongoing and recent problems which is not chargeable.


Examples of suitable requests:

Fitness to travel, or cancellation of holidays

Confirmation of medication or a medical condition

Letters for school, universities, employers or courts, etc.

Letters to the Council/housing requirements


Examples of requests we cannot fulfil:

Confirmation of address or other proof of residence or ID

Countersigning passport applications

Letters stating something that is not supported by your medical record


Requesting a letter

Requests for letters must be put in writing and you must state clearly:


  1. a) the reason for the letter


  1. b) to whom it should be addressed